
    Water Loss:
    • Turn off your main electrical switch if you can do so safely or turn off the electricity in every room affected.
    • Find your main water shutoff valve and turn it off. Your main water shutoff valve is generally found in your basement. It may be a gate valve or a ball valve that is on the municipal water pipe that feeds your home (there may be a pressure gauge located on the pipe as well). If your property is fed from a well, your shutoff will be located on a pipe after the pressure tank.
    • Turn the shutoff valve SLOWLY. If the valve has not been exercised or used in a while, it may be seized. If the valve does not turn or breaks, call a plumber immediately.
    • Once the main shutoff valve is turned off, the water pressure in your home will be relieved, which will stop the flow of water feeding your broken pipe.
    • Assess the damage and prevent it from getting worse.
    • Clean up any standing water on your floors to prevent any further damage or slip and fall accidents. Move any unaffected furniture and electronics off wet flooring surfaces to keep them dry.
    • Call a licensed plumber to repair the issue. You need water, so the faster the issue is fixed, the faster you can get back to more important things. Make sure the plumber is licensed and insured.
    • Contact WE Mutual. We will arrange for any required emergency assistance and begin your claim process.